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Free ConnectWise Control Alternative

Dive into HelpWire — a powerful yet budget-friendly ConnectWise Control alternative. With its user-friendly design and consistent performance, HelpWire ensures you have all the tools necessary to provide efficient remote support.
  • Budget-friendly
  • Simple to navigate
  • Consistent remote desktop performance
Ultimate Free ConnectWise Control Alternative

HelpWire vs. ConnectWise Control: Quick Comparison

Explore the differences between ConnectWise Control and HelpWire regarding features and pricing plans to guide your decision:
ConnectWise Control
ConnectWise Control One ConnectWise Control Standard ConnectWise Control Premium
Price per month
Price per month Free $27 $42 $52
Multi-platform support
Multi-platform support Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, and Linux Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, and Linux Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, and Linux
Multi-monitor view
Multi-monitor view
Chat and collaboration
Chat and collaboration Chat Chat, VoIP Chat, VoIP
File transfer
File transfer
Robust security
Robust security
Number of simultaneous remote desktop sessions
Number of simultaneous remote desktop sessions 1 1 3 10
Number of technicians per license
Number of technicians per license 1 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Mobile support
Mobile support iOS, Android technician client only iOS, Android technician, and guest client iOS, Android technician, and guest client
Helpdesk (other software, API) Integration
Helpdesk (other software, API) Integration Extensions only Extensions only Extensions only
Unattended access
Unattended access 10 agents Unlimited Unlimited

HelpWire Features

HelpWire stands out among remote support alternatives to ConnectWise, particularly for small businesses. Users gain full access to all features, ensuring reliable remote desktop control without straining the budget.

Learn more
Integrated Chat

Real-Time Chat

Engage with customers seamlessly using the instant customer support chat feature, facilitating better problem understanding and swift solutions.
Quick Session Start

Easy Session Start

Initiate support sessions smoothly by sharing a remote desktop connection link, eliminating the need for cumbersome passwords or IDs. No firewall or VPN configurations are required.
Multi-Monitor Support

Multi-Monitor Support

HelpWire supports connections to multi-display computers, allowing you to easily switch between or view remote monitors side-by-side.
File Exchange

File Transfer

Transfer files to your client's remote desktop simply by copying and pasting them into the remote session window, negating the need for intermediary storage or hosting services.
Strong Security

Robust Security

Is HelpWire safe? Yes! With Auth0 authentication, firewall-friendly connections, AES-256 encryption, and secure AWS data centers, HelpWire ensures your data's security and privacy.

Remote Support for Various Needs and Services

HelpWire offers remote assistance solutions tailored to diverse requirements, making it the ideal ConnectWise alternative for small businesses, help desks, or independent IT professionals.
Tech Support

Tech Support

With HelpWire, a remote IT support service, you can provide clients with efficient on-demand remote support, whether for software installation, system configuration, or other support routines.
Small to Medium Businesses

Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

A free ConnectWise alternative, HelpWire offers remote support for POS systems, streamlining remote assistance to help businesses reduce costs and elevate their customer service levels


Ensure uninterrupted medical equipment function by remotely maintaining and updating software across the network, offering IT support for healthcare.